Our Culture of Learning » How to Be Successful at Discovery? (2021)

How to Be Successful at Discovery? (2021)

September 2021


For the last three years, we have started the school year with an orientation week, a week during which we get to know each other, and we set both academic and social expectations.

Self Portraits September 2021

During the 2021 orientation, students drew their self-portraits to represent who they are and what they want out of their school year.

We conclude this orientation with a school-wide assembly during which a panel of returning students answer various questions about, “How to be successful at Discovery Charter School.” 

Here are some excerpts from the 2021 assembly:

“If you don’t understand your math homework, show your work on everything in your packet. It shows the teacher your thinking and how you chose to solve the problem. Then the teacher can help you better.”

“Be your own person and don’t try to show off for anybody.”

“Don’t fake who you are to make a name for yourself. Don’t try to leave the school and have a reputation of being someone who is everyone’s friend.”

“What I will do is do most of my work in class so that if I have questions, I can ask the teacher.”

If I ask a teacher a question and I still don’t understand, then I ask in private, that’s what teachers are for - they won’t make you feel bad about asking a question.”

“Active reading is a big one. It is confusing, but over time it grew on me. I know they give you a chart (rubric). Keep this chart by your side, every time you do active reading, try to advance in this chart.