Compliance » Gifted & Talented

Gifted & Talented

GIFTED and TALENTED (policy #6171.2)

Discovery Charter School is committed to providing all students an education that gives them the ability to understand their world and realize they can have an impact on this world starting now. The school strives to have the students  develop themselves and discover their voice in a safe environment, in which all feel welcome and needed. To achieve this goal, Discovery ensures the students develop the literacy, numeracy, scientific, and artistic skills needed to discover and express their vision by providing the support they need and by challenging all children to develop their special abilities.

Discovery will provide all gifted and talented students with programs or adaptations which provide for gifted and talented students basic education while encouraging optimum development of the students’ special abilities. Programs shall be developed or located which stimulate students to participate constructively in, and contribute to, the activities of the school, the community and society.

The School Leader shall develop and the board shall approve criteria for identifying all gifted and talented students in grade 4 through grade 8. Gifted and talented students shall be provided with appropriate instructional adaptations and services to encourage the development of their special abilities in achieving the New Jersey State Learning Standards for mathematics and language arts and literacy. Programs shall provide educational challenges to students identified as gifted and talented and shall be reviewed

“Gifted and talented students” shall mean able students who possess or demonstrate higher levels of ability in one or more content areas, when compared to their chronological peers in the school and who require modifications of their educational program if they are to achieve in accordance with their capabilities.

Identification of these students will be carried on as a continuing process, since special abilities and skills appear at different times in the development of many children. The School Leader or designee shall coordinate development of appropriate curricular and instructional modifications used for gifted and talented students indicating content, process, products, and learning environment.

All definitions for this policy can be located at the following source: N.J.A.C. 6A:8-1.3

Continuum of Service

Students identified as gifted & talented will be provided:

  • enrichment activities (Writing & Thinking workshop, STEM club, Performing Arts productions, Write-on-Sports residency, etc.), 
  • assignment modifications (alternative reading materials, alternative to projects, etc.), 
  • instruction adaptations (differentiated instruction, grouping, roles in the classroom, etc.), 
  • and/or accelerated math placement.

Identification of Students

Gifted and talented students shall be identified by the School Leader and the teachers using multiple data points on an annual basis. During team and school-wide meetings, teachers will examine reading and math screenings, progress notes, report cards, as well as  teacher assessments and observations. When available, scores on the NJSLA examination may also be considered. 

After examining these data points and observations, the school will identify students who show exceptional academic ability compared to their chronological peers and develop a range of adaptations, and offer activities. The school may enroll the student in an accelerated math course upon agreement of the family.

The parent or guardian of any student may request that a student be considered for the above adaptations, activities, and an accelerated math course. After the request is made, the School Leader will discuss with the family of the student and communicate its recommendations and decisions with the family.